Trademark Policy


Last Updated: February 5th, 2025 

The trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress, logos, and designs (each a "Mark", and  collectively, the "Marks") of Leaf Ninjas Inc., a corporation duly incorporated in the Province of Alberta  ("Leaf Ninjas") are intellectual property that is owned by Leaf Ninjas and are valued assets of Leaf Ninjas.  All Marks, whether (i) registered in Canada or in any other jurisdiction internationally or (ii) unregistered,  must be used in accordance with this Leaf Ninjas Policy (the "Policy"). 

This Policy applies to all Leaf Ninjas employees as well as any reseller, partner, vendor, customer,  consultant, agent and any other third-party that is authorized or has the right to use or reproduce any Mark.  Such authorized parties may only use the Marks as specified in their agreement with Leaf Ninjas and in  accordance with this Policy. Such use must always be in conjunction with the appropriate terms that define  the relationship under their contract with Leaf Ninjas.  

Use of the Marks without the prior written consent of Leaf Ninjas may constitute trademark infringement  and unfair competition in violation of federal and provincial laws. Use of the Marks may be prohibited,  unless expressly authorized by Leaf Ninjas. You may not use any of the Marks except in accordance with  your agreement with Leaf Ninjas and as specifically noted in this Policy. You may not use the Marks in  connection with websites, marketing and advertising materials, products or for any other purpose except  pursuant to an express written license or assignment from Leaf Ninjas, such as in your agreement with Leaf  Ninjas. You may not use a Mark in a disparaging or malicious manner. You may not register any Mark in  any jurisdiction. You may not register a domain name containing a Mark. You may not use a Mark in a  manner that would imply Leaf Ninjas' affiliation with or endorsement, sponsorship, or support of a third party product or service, except as may be otherwise agreed to in your agreement with Leaf Ninjas. 

If you come across any instance where you discover that a Mark is being used by a third-party without  permission or without a permissible exception, please contact or call us at (403) 971- 5230 immediately, and provide as much detail as reasonably possible. Do not attempt to contact the third party directly. 

Leaf Ninjas reserves the rights, exercisable at its sole discretion, to modify this Policy and/or the Marks at  any time without notice and to take appropriate action against any unauthorized or nonconforming use of  the Marks. By using the Marks, in whole or in part, you are agreeing to use such Marks in accordance with  this Policy and you are acknowledging that all rights to the Marks are the sole and exclusive property of  Leaf Ninjas and all goodwill generated through your use of the Marks will inure to the sole benefit of Leaf  Ninjas. You will not interfere with Leaf Ninjas' rights in the Marks including challenging Leaf Ninjas' use,  registration of, or application to register a Mark anywhere in the world, and that you will not harm, misuse,  or bring into disrepute any Mark.  

Should you have any questions or would like additional information regarding this Policy, please contact  us by email at or call us at (403) 971-5230.